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“You've been given the tools to triumph. Now it's up to your will, your mind, and your heart.”




Be open to weird, unexpected opportunities. Work for yourself, if possible. Try to keep ownership of your intellectual property. When you meet someone influential who might be able to help your career, try (briefly, and not too hard) to make an impression—then, get their email address. Request informational interviews; down the line, potential employers will remember you. —Ted Allen, host of Food Network’s Chopped


I wish someone had told me to take a vacation before life started—when I had the time, debt didn't matter, and the idea of “backpacking through Europe” sounded glamorous and not exhausting. It turns out there's a reason certain opportunities are called “once in a lifetime.” —Kevin Fallon, entertainment reporter at The Daily Beast


Forget your back-up plan. Now's the time to throw everything you have at your dream job. If you can't find it, start your own dream company and hire yourself. Then work the hardest and be nice to everyone. No matter what happens you will never regret it. —Clark Gregg, actor, screenwriter, and director


The transition from college to real life is arguably the toughest to absorb since going to pre-school for the first time. You can't fully prepare for the reality of what you're accountable for—to some degree, it will blindside you. That all said, it will also be the most empowering moment of your life so far, and if you take your first few doses of reality in stride and with a sense of humor, you'll get through it with only minor, character-building scrapes and bruises. —Noah Wagner, associate producer at HBO


The path to happiness starts by following your passion, not dollar signs. Find what you like to do and immerse yourself in it. Don’t take precious time to smell the roses while you are still young —you can always garden when you retire. —Phil Baran, Darlene Shiley Chair in Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute


Give yourself permission to take a year off and travel the world. You've worked hard and now, before you commit to a full-time career, travel and get to know yourself for a full year. On the other side of that trip, I can almost guarantee you'll have a different perspective on life, different standards for your career, and different aspirations for the legacy you want to create. The world is vaster and bigger than New York. It's deeper than semester study abroad. It extends beyond the great education you got at NYU. So get out there, globe trot, thrive, and learn. —Arielle Loren Palmer, editor-in-chief of Corset magazine


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今年,就到紐約大學微留學! 體驗不同的學習歷程!


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